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It can sometimes be hard to find cheap plane tickets for your dream destination.
Checking all the available deals can be highly overwhelming, with so many low-cost companies to choose from. The situation becomes even more complicated when we have flexible dates and are unsure where we want to go.
In the past, we already covered several travel deal sites, such as Scott's Cheap Flights and Dollar Flight Club. Those sites, however, require subscription and usually provide deals whenever they become availalbe.
While they're incredibly helpful, what if you need a site that can offer you deals right now, without a subscription? Let's talk a bit about Momondo, and whether you should use Momondo to book cheap flights deals.
But first, what is Momondo?
What is Momondo?
Momondo is a free platform that will help you save some money on your next holiday.
This website compares different prices for flights, hotels, car rentals, and package holidays, making it extremely easy for you to find the cheapest deal. Momondo is mainly known for finding cheap flights.
It also features a few extra options for flexibility with their holidays, allowing you to see prices for different destinations and dates.
The Momondo App is also a great tool to download on your phone, especially if traveling full-time. You will be able to access all sorts of flight deals and find the cheapest tickets with a simple click from your smartphone!
Momondo is available on both iOS and Android.
Who owns Momondo?
Momondo was founded in Denmark in 2006 and is today owned by KAYAK, an American travel agency and metasearch engine.
KAYAK is operated by Booking Holdings Inc, a world-leading travel and travel-related services provider.
Providers like, Priceline, Agoda, and OpenTable are some of the many owned by Booking Holdings Inc.
Now that we know a bit about Momondo, let's talk about how we can use Momondo to find the cheapest flights possible!
How to use Momondo
As you enter Momondo, you will immediately notice a menu on the left.
Here you will find options such as flights, stays, car hires, things to do, and holidays. The most popular one is undoubtedly the flight option.
Start booking your flights with extreme flexibility by comparing different companies, flight deals, dates, and locations!
Let's talk a bit about what else Momondo can offer.
Momondo's fly "anywhere" feature
If you are unsure where you want to fly to, you can select the 'Anywhere' option. The platform will show you all sorts of different flight deals to various destinations all over the world.
In this way, you can easily see whether cheap tickets for exotic destinations are available.
Momondo flight date flexibility tool
Momondo also has a tool specifically designed for those with flexible dates.
When choosing your desired dates, you will notice the word 'exact' in the upper right corner of the calendar. By clicking on it, you will be able to select up to three days before and after your ideal departure and arrival days. After clicking on the 'search' button, a grid will appear with all the different price combinations for your selected period.
This tool is ideal for those who are not too strict with their dates. In this way, you will be able to see whether you can save some money by booking your flight a few days before or after your desired period.
Multi-city flight Selection
Even though Momondo is by default set up for round-trips, you can also select multi-city flight options. To do so, click on the little arrow next to 'one way' on the top left corner above the search bar and select 'multi-city. In this way, you will be able to pick multiple flights entering your desired destinations and dates.
Setting up flights alert
Sometimes you just don't have time checking flight deals every day.
If you'd like to have these cheap flight deals be sent straight to your inbox, you're in luck! If you plan to go on a trip and want Momondo to monitor for flight price fluctuations in the next couple of days, make sure to set up a flight alert for your desired flight.
To do so, select your flight and see the different results provided by Momondo. You will find a tiny box reading 'Now's a great time to book!' on the bottom left corner with the option' price alert.'
After activating it, Momondo will send you two emails per week updating you on whether the prices have decreased.
How does Momondo make money?
According to Momondo, the site makes money in two main ways, through the ads on their website and completed orders. Momondo receives a referral link paid by their partners whenever someone completes a booking through their website.
According to Momondo, this platform never charges its customers any additional fees. However, based on our experience, booking a flight through Momondo can at times be more expensive than buying your flight directly from the airplane company issuing your ticket.
Momondo is a great tool to get a good overview of the dates on which it will be cheaper to travel and the companies operating the flights. But buying your ticket directly from the airline company website is guaranteed to save you some extra money.
Is Momondo Legit?
Momondo is a legit site, and you should not worry too much when buying a ticket on this platform. Seth Kugel also wrote about this website in an article for the New York Times, giving it extra credit!
Momondo is also part of Booking Holdings, which owns and operates other travel sites like, OpenTable, and Priceline. Still, make sure you check up on the price of the deals on other sites before you book with them!
Is Momondo Free?
Momondo is free for everyone! You won't be charged any fees when you subscribe to the platform or when booking flights, car rentals, or hotels.
Is Momondo Worth It?
Momondo is a great flights search engine and tool to get inspiration for your travels and find the cheapest flights available. That being said, booking on their website is not always the most affordable option.
Momondo also has competitors like Orbitz or Travelocity that both offers competitive prices on deals, so I highly recommend you check them out as well before you book.
In general, make sure you compare the prices you've found with other travel deal sites to ensure you've gotten the best price!
Our Rating: 4.3/5
- Discovery through deals feature
- Great deals for flexible dates
- Completely free!
- Mid-range deals
- No exclusive deals
- No selection options for notifications.
Pair your cheap flights with Pilot
Are you ready to try Momondo out and find cheap flights for your next trip? Go ahead and book your ticket!
Regardless of which flight deals site you end up using for your flight, you'll need a good travel plan no matter where you are flying to!
Let us introduce you to Pilot, our trip planning app!